
In a land where sun meets sky's expanse, Giraffes roam, an elegant dance. Graceful creatures with necks so high, A symbol of wonder that touches the sky.

In the golden savannah, where life is untamed, Giraffes stand tall, their beauty untamed. With patterns adorning their coats of gold, They wander the earth, majestic and bold.

In this realm of nature's grand design, A story emerges, so wondrously divine. For amidst the giraffes, a tale is told, Of a love that transcends, precious and bold.

For Jesus, the Savior, with heart so pure, Embraced all creatures, their spirits to secure. He walked among them, with compassion and grace, His love encompassing every living space.

He saw the giraffes, with their gentle gaze, And marveled at God's creation, in awe and praise. Their towering stature, a symbol of reach, A reminder of how far His love could breach.

In the eyes of the giraffe, a reflection we find, Of Jesus' compassion, both gentle and kind. For just as their necks stretch towards the light, His love extends to all, shining ever so bright.