Jokes: an unepic non-poem

(extremely vulgar sexual humor)

The god of autism in the Middle Ages making kids hyperfixate on the Bible and start writing bible fan fiction.

The god of autism getting hired by the ceo of hasbro to make folks buy toys.

The god of autism in the future making people hyperfixate on the machine-god of technocapital, just like in the first joke.

A Roman walks into a bar. He can’t order anything because he only speaks Latin.

Gotham Project walks into a

“Gotham Project cum maleo in popinam ambulat” Gotham Project in Latine clamat. Gotham Project ex popina ambulat. The bartender is dead, what happened?

The god of masturbation was having sex with a jagged glass bottle when the god of sex walked in and said “hey you! You stole my thing!”

“What do you mean this is not a person! It does not count as sex.”

“Wtf! It totally does” said the god of sex

They proceed to have a sex contest to see who would win.

The god of sex was the god of sex. They won, duh.

The god or masturbation said “It’s over” and they proceeded to write a long poem about the subject. It provided them with catharsis and dignity.

The god of cum and the cod of gum.

Constant creativity not coasting, that's the way to go. Just keep on making things. Though this was a bit of schlock the narrator admits as the credits roll…

Author: hwithumlaut Editor: hwithumlaut Publisher: self-published on Farkascity Thanks for watching!