
creative writing

(no explicit content warning necessary, though there is suggestive language)

We often regard philosophy as dry, useless, abstract, and most of all removed from everyday life, but this could not be more wrong. Philosophy is quite moist and gushy. The scratchiness of a sound. The feeling when your body sticks to your shirt because of sweat. The textures of different candies, and the feeling on your teeth when you eat so many of those sweets you can practically feel them rotting out, are experiences most of us have encountered. Though you have likely not considered their relevance to ontology, that is the area of philosophy that deals with how things exist.

Let's take an example from a modern day living philosopher, rather than a dead famous one with a beard.

American Philosopher Graham Harman has a refreshing spin on some ideas that go all the way back to Ancient Greece. He does not agree with either of the modern day philosophical trends of idealism, or materialism. He thinks objects are real, and are not just accidents of human imagination, or amalgamations of tiny pieces.

Harman says that his philosophy (called Object Oriented Ontology) is not really about objects but really about the tensions between objects and their qualities. He is literally telling the truth, but it is harder to explain his ideas that way, so let’s start in an easier place.

Object Oriented Ontology (OOO, pronounced triple oh) is about the withdrawn nature of objects. When I stare at a soda can I only see its metaphorical surface, or appearance. I am not experiencing its full range of abilities and possibilities. Just by looking at the soda can, I cannot feel the bubbles on my tongue, and I cannot feel the satisfaction of crushing the can underfoot. Therefore, you can never fully do away with this withdrawn potential of the object. The withdrawn real depth is all the parts of an object you are not seeing, even if you know they are there.

This is not a human centered philosophy, because objects and animals have hidden potentials and wild experiences too. Harman uses the example of fire and cotton to explain how even objects can never exhaust eachothers withdrawn depth. If fire burns cotton, then the fire is only accessing the flammability of cotton, not the smell, or the sight of cotton. Think of how a baseball thrown through your neighbor’s window shattering it experiences the fragility of the glass, but not the transparency, because baseballs can’t see.

OOO is about the relationship between appearances and hidden realities. Which are called sensual objects, and real objects respectively. Not to say that sensual objects don’t exist, but that real objects have an internal mystery that sensual ones lack.

The relationship, called a tension, can involve how there is a disconnect between appearance and reality. Yet at the same time as this disconnect occurs, sensual and real objects are necessarily linked to each other. This relationship is the key to seduction, and intimacy. Because seduction relies on something that has not happened yet, or some hidden potential, despite seduction relying on appearances.

The sensual object is the part of the object that is intimately close with the observer. Imagine yourself watching a good movie, totally immersed. actually imagine inside your head yourself immersed in a movie. You are intimately acquainted with your own experience of the movie, and nothing is closer to you than your experience, because you are in the appearance of the movie. You feel each moment of the movie as if it was something that was happening to you. You are touching the sensual object directly, unlike the real object which is removed from experience.

Or think of your intimate relationship with a friend or partner. You can hear them speak, and you can see them. Nothing is more intimate than appearances, because appearances are direct. You cannot connect with something hidden real and deep, without knowledge about it. Appearances are literally close to you on a metaphysical level. Think of the example of the rock thrown through the window, and how the baseball is not close to the transparency of the glass.

Seduction is the second step after the intimacy of appearance. Once you know all about someone, you start to have inside jokes. You know how they act, and you can tell about social cues (which are quite similar to jokes, only they are serious). You become aware of potentials that are not on the surface (appearance), and the intimacy of the surface becomes a hint at potential activity.

For example, your partner is lying on their bed making eye contact with you. What does this appearance signify? Something not totally on the surface. This particular tension, which is a connection between the sensual object and real qualities, is called Eidos by OOO.

If Harman’s philosophy is to be taken seriously then the intimate sensual side of existence is basically half of it. Harman takes art criticism, such as often mocked wine criticism, very seriously. This is because art criticism is concerned with the sensual details of objects. Art does not function without sensuality because art without an observer is not art.

Moreover, the seductive aspect of art has been the most interesting and controversial historically. Art is very powerful and draws people in. Think of each time your favorite TV show has distracted you from your work. Plato believed that art was too seductive and would ruin the rational part of people’s minds. He even believed it ought to be banned.

Seduction (which requires sensual intimacy or our closeness to our own experience or immersion in our own experience), or attraction, is highly important to philosophy, because of how much human beings deal with it.

Human beings are the entities that ethics is concerned with the most. Seduction is relevant to ethics (an area of philosophy), because the whole process of persuasion relies on it. The idea of someone being a good person relies on them not being seduced over to the dark side, like Anakin in Star Wars.

Corruption (which is a type of seduction) is an intimate meaningful experience. When you have your entire worldview changed because of how powerful, sweet, and important to you the temptation is, then you are being changed by an experience.

Imagine a politician being corrupted by money. For the politician everything makes sense at the moment. Chances are the politician starts with small bribes, but moves to greater and greater sums. Eventually they are changed, and seduced. They felt much pleasure from their money, to the point where their original aim is not there (if it ever was). This seduction was a very close and powerful experience, almost close to the point of being blindingly blurry like how when you’re close enough to kiss you cannot see your partner's eyes well. Intimacy with an experience is blinding in comparison to the subtlety of potential.

Philosophy is all about seduction, and experiencing things. Although its writing is admittedly often written by nerds like myself who speak in terms like experience in a dry abstract way, rather than one filled with green life and muddy passion. Anyone interested in philosophy can think of a time when they had become drawn to a specific thinker or an idea without the ability to stop learning. The seductive force is present in dry words also. There is a creative philosophical essay called Breaking Up With Deleuze, in which Eve Tuck talks about her experience reading the dead man’s (French philosopher Gilles Deleuze) books in the way someone would talk about ending a relationship. It is humorous and talks about the anxiety of being influenced by older renowned philosophers.

Whether or not academic philosophers have succeeded at making philosophy seductive, it is still the case that that philosophy has that potential. Often this potential is abused by poorly researched self-help videos, and related effortless articles, but it can also be used for the good. Philosophy is ultimately closer to arts criticism than to physics or mathematics, despite the fact that so many materialists want it to be physics. So it would not be inappropriate for more philosophy to take into account literary value, to prevent the dryness of pages.

It was not wider than ten feet. Her room was strewn with clothing, coins, open makeup containers including eyeliner pens, orange sticky notes used and unused, coffee grinds, old 3DS cartridges, abandoned books, and sneezed in crumbled tissue/napkins dumped from her purse or backpack onto the floor.

One faulty light bulb was on, giving a dim orange hue to the windowless brick walls that she had tried paint many times, each attempt left as a fuming failure.

Her phone was present after a long days work, giving the professionally dressed women a color changing halo.

She was doing what she would call “nothing” but she was still sitting on the edge of her bed with tense muscles. She was out of breath from living her whole day, but had drunk too much coffee to sleep, so she was alone and stuck in a restless nightmare between two dreams, one of which was her hard-won internship and was becoming harder to do.

Her makeup had slid, making the once bold armor become a beard. She was arched over, so she looked wound up like a spring coil in a children's cheap metal toy.

Her phone’s faces looked up at her as she into it. Her eyes' focus did not falter.

Despite her close attention, she couldn't care less about anything she was looking at. Fliping down and down and away, her finger in the perfect position to move. She had enjoyed a few of them, even laughing. One video involved two men toss large pieces of metal on screen and she fliped away and a sketch involving the same person acting out each role with text over there forehead and she flipped before the punchline and “the latest marvel movie is good because...“and she flipped away and a highlights of a ridiculous reddit story that could not have happened and she fliped away and a video of wild animals jumping onto the deck of a boat and she watched its full three seconds and she realized she had to go to bed because she had a meeting the next morning and she flipped away to another video maybe try to check out Instagram next? Maybe she'd watch the latest documentary on YouTube but important educational politics stuff popped up. She'd watch the documentary after this last one. Maybe this next one is the last one?

There are three types of magic.

  1. Magic that Gandalf does when his staff glows.
  2. Magic that I do when I amaze and inspire you with my awesome blog posts.
  3. Magic that rocket scientists do. I HATE STEM.

So let's talk about the first and the second. Not the third because I HATE STEM

(and because it's probably just a really convoluted version of the second one).

part one: The first type of magic: Magic

Gandalf is a fictional character despite how many Gandalf/reader fics you degenerate scum are reading. Sure fictional characters are real, but that's because concepts are real. A a concept Gandalf is real, but Istari wizards are not flesh and bones touching and having sex with you. Get a grip kiddo, Magic is not real.

But like in that last paragraph I was being really mean and cruel to you. Infact I was deliberately imitating the style of youtuber CJ the X who is copying/satirizing the old dad mean man archetype who tells you what to do. I was being really mean to you, my reader, right there.

I should be nicer. Magic with a big M could be real. Like I mean I have no idea if it is real, or not.

Living French philosopher (not many of those) Quentin Meillassoux thinks that literally anything is possible to happen at any moment. His entire philosophy is based on it. For him everything exists in hyper chaos, apparently. I have not actually read his book. So Magic could just pop into existence, even though currently we cannot see any Magic. He might be wrong though.

part two: The second type of magic: magic

magic is real. When I am watching a video by CJ the X I paying full attention whether I like it or not. I tried doing homework while watching CJ, but CJ is just too powerful and attention grabbing. They are literally controlling my mind.

magic is real, and it can be conjured through rhetoric, shiny pretty lights, and the allure of a deeper mystery. This is because art is magical, because it has something non-physical that controls behavior.

Money is very magical. People melt when they see money, and they become like Odysseus's men turned to pigs by Circe.

Goodness, like most vices, is very magical. You want to be good, don't you? You probably want sleep at night instead of dying over your sins and guilty feelings. You want Jordan Peterson to tell you that you are a good person or something like that.

A movie is like a ritual that draws you very close to it's beautiful metaphysical surface. This is because magic is an effect, or relationship. It's what draws you into something, or banishes you out with a circle of protection.

Anything can be magical though.

part three: The state of super nature

In days of yore, people ran free in the state of nature. The state of nature was when everyone was free, and killed each other. It's an idea some old British men conceived of to justify the existence of the monarchy. it's a bad tyrannical idea that misunderstands human nature.

There was/is also a state of super nature, as in supernatural power from the second magic.

In days of yore, the people and the spirits of the wilds ran free. People bent like the reeds under the feet of mighty lions. Demons ruled over our willpower like opium over 18th century nobility. These events are accurately depicted in The Legend of Korra, sequel to Avatar: the Last Airbender. In the past people lived in fear of magic's power and were squashed constantly. Eventually magic was exiled and banned, reserved for the church, and the academy only.

Should this ban be the case, or should we return to the state of super-nature? Or are we already in the state of super nature? Have we ever left? Does it still exist because bodies of propaganda rule over us? Are we in a state of super nature. Is this story even coherent?

The shimmering ghost haze is almost unseen in the starless skies. But it has to be there! Because the street signs brightly glow. Different car’s headlight beams fight for my tired eyes. A wonderful sight of natural machine magic, or a real life cinematic color show!

I grip my wheel loosely and I drive slowly. I stop at the red octagons from habit and memory. I watch the glowing beauty and I read other signs infrequently Distracted by the power of that nocturnal piece from the world's gallery.

High-beams bouncing into the street turning it white. The glowing patterns inside are a faint billion hues. You can see each lamppost beam scraping the night. Why can’t I explain to you why this is my muse?

But let's try anyway, despite the impossible challenge. The red, yellow, and green lights are always so dull by day. The sun’s sinister grip even blights traffic cones that are tangy orange. But by nightfall, and mistwake, the dryness is sent away.

Dazzle returns to the world, with eerie light expanding in the road’s colorful billowing mist cloak. So, The details of the colors and sign-words are blurring Because my windshield is Impressionist. Blurry, but crystalline in the roke.

My friend in the passenger seat and I bicker over what we’re seeing. “It’s like your looking a Van Gogh and saying it’s ugly” “No, it’s more like your giving divine meaning to a wall’s painting” But I’m happy and content to disagree with my friend freely.

The night is a nostalgic vision of a slowed down movie scene Each frame of the drive taken, piece by piece, one at a time My sleepiness transforms my sight into a museum of the serene I wade toward the unknown visual siren’s voice, a soft chime.

I look out across the lake who shines brighter than the mist

Blurred images like cities in the night In the neon images of a cyberpunk setting Are the beauty that lies before me in the light. The crickets' hum was hiding the noise of driving.

I am distracted by this foggy beauty, making others bored. “But it’s endless refraction and dreamy pale qualities!” are unlike the unremarkable guardrails, which I drift toward. “Money makes all art worse, produced in higher and higher qua-”

I have been an envious sower of anger and correction When I have perused the views and birthrights of others I have started to attack and send malediction There is no sound, except for breathy wuthers Reason’s fury boils without the final effortful battlecry of a lobster Only inaudible moans, and bitching, slowly sickening in jealous pain. Forming criticisms instead of winning deeds, I, a leech-blooded spinster prick my finger with my needle each time I scold “shame”

This is my first time making pseudo-science so please be nice.

Hey want something you already know rephrased into a clearer form.

Hey do you consider yourself open minded?

Do you consider yourself close minded?

Or maybe you think you're an introvert?

Or an ambivert, or an extravert?

Well I’ve got a better idea.

You are maybe introverted only towards some people. And open towards only some ideas.

Each idea or person can be thought of as existing in a network of connections.

An introverted person does not exist. A close minded person does not either.

You are not just a single trait. You are a thousand million traits spread out across a million ideas and people. Each person has their own spectrum attached to them for how introverted you are around them. Each idea, or person has its own spectrum.

When you define yourself as open minded, or extraverted, you're more so giving a generalization.

Part two openness to experience and extraversion are the same

Openness to experience is extraversion about non-social encounters. An introvert is closed to experience.

You can deconstruct both of them so that they merge into one another.

Extraversion is openness to people.

Fuck the definition of extraversion that talks about “gaining energy from other people” you gain energy from sleeping…

Part three: the four tensions Abstract metaphysics!!!+Big Five Personality traits! Let’s go!

There are four tensions present inside of objects, Space, Time, Essence and Eidos.

Time: the constant change of temporary traits, separating sensual object’s from their sensual qualities. Time is an asymmetry, the difference between the past and the future. The portal that vanishes once you step into another world, no world more important than the last.

Space: the attachment of temporary traits to the being of the object they are attached to. Imagine how I may sit in the United States despite being able to travel elsewhere. There is an unnecessary element attached to my being, and I am an unnecessary element attached to the US’s being.

Essence: is how the defining traits of an object connect to it. Essence is the opposite of time in some respects. Essence connects an apple’s ability to be eaten and experienced as a juicy crunchy sweet tart thing, with the apple itself. If you could not crunch into the sweet apple the apple, it would not be the same.

Eidos: is our theoretical access to an object's qualities. It is what separates the image of an apple from its natural ability to give us juicy goodness. This is the theoretical access of objects. If I stare at your face, I assume that you have the back of your head as well, even though I cannot see it.

There is a corresponding way of thinking about personality for each of these sections. The ones corresponding to Essence and Eidos are both generalizations. The ones corresponding to Time and Space are both heterogeneous all across.

Temporal personality:Your personality changes over time. This is your personality from one moment to the next. It’s that simple.

Spatial personality: This is discussed in part one. Your personality is made of a web of connected ideas. These ideas can be open or close. This is spatial, because it shows a network of connections that happen to be the case though they could be otherwise. You are open to one conspiracy theory for some reasons to another and closed to a different one.

Essential personality: people will often appeal to an inner self. This is the unchanging you. Regardless of whether you are aware, or not. I try to steer clear of this. For example introversion may be an essential part of you.

Eidetic personality: This is how you are identified from others personality wise. This is how we are not a blob of the same people.

A well made character in a story will have all of these (maybe). They should have a distinct, eidetic, essential, spatial, and temporal character.

There are some worldviews I am interested in thinking about today.

Expanding the concept of human rights, and animal rights, to inanimate objects.

The way I’ve heard this be done before is that certain geographical locations, like waterfalls, and beautiful views have a right to exist, and to be seen. This would justify why people need to see these beautiful landmarks.

I’m interested in more extreme versions of inanimate rights.

One framework would basically say that all objects animate or inanimate, deserve rights.

How could someone possibly justify such an absurd belief?

It’s pretty simple actually. Many people believe that conscious experience can be deconstructed, and that what we perceive as perception and sensory experience is a hallucination, generated by brain electricity. Take this cognitive science based philosophy and the concept of animal rights. Now consciousness doesn't exist, or is’t a valid idea, because it’s a hallucination. So if you extend rights to animals you have to extend them to all forms of matter.

I say matter, and not all objects, because this philosophy is a materialist one, hence the consciousness is a fake thing.

You could also justify inanimate rights in an even more radical third way.

If you believe that everything exists, material or otherwise. Like the UN, or ghosts, or the Planet mars, than you can make an immaterialist inanimate rights campaign work. Or an object rights campaign.

Inanimate right’s activists argue that consciousness does not determine wheter or not something gets rights or not. The only criteria determining rights is existence. Everything that exists get’s rights.

“As an Inanimate rights activist I propose that all objects have a right to exist, no matter how debatable it's objecthood is, including this speech which is why it will go on forever…” —final words of inanimate rights activist

What is the opposite of inanimate rights? One would first think that it’s giving rights only to one human being, or one entity. That would be a singular right belief system. One would secondly think that it is right’s nihilism, where you don’t believe in rights. You don’t think anyone is owed anything. But comparatively those philosophies are close-ish to universal inanimate right’s activism.

If you make a spectrum where full inanimates rights is at 100% rights having on one end, and right’s nihilism has 0% right’s having on the other, there is another position that would be at negative 100% right’s having

That’s right unrights exist! Unrights are when something is undeserved by a person. For example in a moderate unrights based society.

An unright is just a silly word for banning something. This is why most societies are both rights and unrights societies. And why most societies are anti-centrist by default

I should do a Harold Bloom arch but for youtube videos

who is Harold bloom?

he is a literary critic who tells people that they need to read western canon books because of their apparent intrinsic worth. He is pig headed and arrogant, but I think that ultimately he has probably introduced some people to good books through skilled passionate arguments.

why should you do that I don't fullly understand. that seems stupid to force people to read books that agree with you

I don't think that people only need to read those books. but saying that people ought to read those books to the exclusion of everything else gets people to read those books. I think that I want people to watch youtube videos that have not be judged on aesthetic merits because they are youtube videos. Including videos that needed to be youtube videos, because they are intrinsically tied to the format.

like what?

Try watching History of the Entire World I guess by bill wurtz. I'll make more posts later to talk about other videos.

I am feasting in a local soccer pitch, before summer falls, close to my home by a short walk without a flashlight to wield. It is an expanse of cool black grass and the background’s cricket calls, a scene of nature’s awe, in a human cleared field.

I feast on the colors of the world. Above the shadow treeline is a faint yellow-pink, In the middle meeting a rich blue and together they whirled. all stains on Nyx’s cloak of night and gray ink

I feast on lights of passing and stationary machines, like stars up close. The road reflects a car’s eyes as white as magazine molars. A beautiful sun halo, or lens flare on my eye emits from a looming lamppost, The halo's inside is a patterned prism. White light phoenixing, to many colors.

But up close the grass is green, their darkness only a surfacing scrimmage. The car lights are really yellow more like my own fangs than something in the stars and the pretty pink taint in the sky is from my device, a bright phony afterimage. Though still some cones of shine come in great waves through the field's fence from the cars.

It was not wider than ten feet. Her room was strewn with clothing, coins, open makeup containers including eyeliner pens, orange sticky notes used and unused, coffee grinds, old 3DS cartridges, abandoned books, and sneezed in crumbled tissue/napkins dumped from her purse or backpack onto the floor.

One faulty light bulb was on, giving a dim orange hue to the windowless brick walls that she had tried paint many times, each attempt left as a fuming failure.

Her phone was present after a long days work, giving the professionally dressed women a color changing halo.

She was doing what she would call “nothing” but she was still sitting on the edge of her bed with tense muscles. She was out of breath from living her whole day, but had drunk too much coffee to sleep, so she was alone and stuck in a restless nightmare between two dreams, one of which was her hard-won internship and was becoming harder to do.

Her makeup had slid, making the once bold armor become a beard. She was arched over, so she looked wound up like a spring coil in a children's cheap metal toy.

Her phone’s faces looked up at her as she into it. Her eyes' focus did not falter.

Despite her close attention, she couldn't care less about anything she was looking at. Fliping down and down and away, her finger in the perfect position to move. She had enjoyed a few of them, even laughing. One video involved two men toss large pieces of metal on screen and she fliped away and a sketch involving the same person acting out each role with text over there forehead and she flipped before the punchline and “the latest marvel movie is good because...“and she flipped away and a highlights of a ridiculous reddit story that could not have happened and she fliped away and a video of wild animals jumping onto the deck of a boat and she watched its full three seconds and she realized she had to go to bed because she had an audition the next morning and she flipped away to another video maybe try to check out Instagram next? Maybe she'd watch the latest documentary on YouTube but important educational politics stuff popped up. She'd watch the documentary after this last one. Maybe this next one is the last one?