The Word Yeoman

Jerrall: “So what's the deal with the word yeoman?”

Garrel: (confused): “What do you even mean? A yeoman is a worker right? I don’t know what sort of deal it could have? Is this going to be one of your rants? It must be one of your rants, that spring from nowhere like squirrels through the road. I know because you always start them by asking me a question I know nothing about.”

Jerrall: (lecturing): “For those of us, including us, who live in the States of United America, and evil ol’ Canada it means a lay worker, a farmer perhaps. Also it means the handler of the hold cargo on a seaship. Yeoman means a beefeater in the UK, the royal guards of the tower of London. They dress in silly fancy red outfits and all that. A yeoman is a minor noble.”

Garrel: “...”

Jerrall: “basically their opposite meanings. Fancy guard-man dining on cow-flesh versus loyal farmer feeding cows. Both of them Yeoman.”

Garrel: “Yes…”

Jerral: “Basically this is fascinating because there is no affix yeo-. Yeo- stems from a pre-Old English Germanic word gauwji” ( Jerral says something like: Yao wyee lisping the second y)

Garrel: (confused): “Yaoi?”

Jerral: “No. Gauwji. It refers to a shire, or some other rural area. I imagine it would need to be rural anyways to count. Obviously plus mann. Gauwjimann. ”

Garrel: (excitement): “Yaoiman! That’s what the men in Yaoi are called!”

Jerral: (squeaky and pissed!): “What shit! No! you're missing the fucking point! The point is that Gauwji is not a current affix, but in another timeline it could be. Yeo could be. That is to say that I could be called a Yeoetymologist! Which is so exciting”

Garrel: “Ok so, I think that if Yeo-etymologist is a word then Yaoiman is definitely a word.

Jerral: (squeakiest and pissedest person in the world): Yeoetymologist is a great and joyous word, while Yaoiman is a silly joke that you will never use again!”

Garrel: “ I mean Yaoiman with complete seriousness, it’s a better word than man-in-yaoi. And are you using the yeo as an alternative of folk, as in folk etymologist, as in someone who makes up fake etymologies? ”

Jerral: (quite pissy) anger noises