
About FarkasCity

FarkasCity is a free place for blogs.

Do you have thoughts? I’m sure you do! Instead of just spewing them onto social media, write about them here. Blogs here don’t have character limits, so you can go into as much or as little detail as you’d like, and you’ll have a place on the internet to call your own.


  1. Do not target, harass, or do similar things to people
  2. No commercial content or advertising
  3. Sexually explicit content must have an appropriate disclaimer
  4. All content must be legal in the US

Otherwise, you’re free to write whatever you wish.


FarkasCity is run by DJ Chase. Feel free to email me for any reason. I normally respond within a few days, as I get an absurd amount of email.


FarkasCity is home to 761 articles across 83 blogs.