Adding Navigation Links To Your Blog

FarkasCity allows you to easily add about, contact, subscribe, and similar links to your blog’s homepage. Doing this is incredibly simple.

To add a nav link, write the page as a normal page on your blog and then publish it. Go to your blog’s homepage and hover over the post’s title, then click pin. The post will be hidden from your blog’s feed and a navigation link of the post’s title will appear.

To add a subscribe link to your blog, first create a post titled “subscribe” (or something similar like “follow”) with the ways people can follow your blog. Here’s a template to make your life easier:

# Subscribe

![Feed icon](/img/feed-small.png) [RSS feed](feed/) <small>([What’s this?](</small>
![Fediverse icon](/img/fediverse-small.svg) <small>([What’s this?](</small>

Replace your-blog with your blog’s slug (the bit after the / in its URL). For example, the Example Blog’s slug is “example” because its URL is

Post the page then head over to your blog’s homepage. Now, hover over the post’s title and click pin. The post will be hidden and a subscribe link will be added to your blog.
