

This is a real advertisement. It breaks the rules of Farkas city. Wow this is so subversive. Subversive advertising? Wow H with umlaut is really pushing the boundaries here. Literally. She’s only pushing the boundaries right here on Farkas city. In actuality this post conforms to the desire to be non-conformist seeming, without actually being non-conformist. WOW!!!!

Alternatively if you are mayor DJ this post is Ironic, and fake.

If you find me in real life and give me 5 USD I will give you an ironic stock in Irony corp. This means nothing, except maybe I’ll give you a piece of paper with the word irony written on it. That way this is a real advertisement and could get me banned from Farkas city.

This post is in no way affiliated with IronyCorp, a canadian business. Irony corp is a (il)legally distinct ironic business.

If you give me 6 USD, you will get to join the ironic board of directors as it's chair (one of it's chairs). I will try to find like a lego chair, or something. Maybe i'll literally draw one in crayon.

#IronyCorpLegallyDisticnt #UnsubversiveSubversion #PleaseBanThisAcccountFromFarkasCity #PleaseDoNotBanThisAccount #VeryIronicNotReal #RealAdvertisement