Rules Update: Sexually Explicit Content

I’ve added a rule that sexually explicit content must have an adequate notice, so that no one stumbles across it unexpectedly. For more information on how to do this, see the rules page. This rule was added for legal reasons, and it should not affect anyone.

This change goes into effect in one week.

diff of the changes

---	2023-04-02 22:13:25.731751116 -0400
+++	2023-04-02 22:49:22.177977456 -0400
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 -  Do not target, harass, or do similar things to people
 -  No commercial content or advertising
+-  Sexually explicit content must have an [appropriate disclaimer](
 -  All content must be legal in the US
 Otherwise, you’re free to write whatever you wish.

#StatusUpdates #RulesAndLegal