from Gotham project
#im like batman but instead i plant trees and like the enviroment but im still like batman i just am ted kacynski batman i pipe bomb oil executives
Read the latest blogs from FarkasCity.
from Gotham project
#im like batman but instead i plant trees and like the enviroment but im still like batman i just am ted kacynski batman i pipe bomb oil executives
from Gotham project
#im like batman
except the worms are in my brain theyre in there and they make me a creature of the night i sniff the funny powder to make the worms stop wriggling
from Random stuff by O
There’s lots of planes flying over my house tonight ✈️
from BlogCiclismo
Favoritos de este Giro: Roblic, Evenepoel, Almeida...
En el recorrido llama la atención las tres etapas contra el reloj que se van a correr, la última una cronoescalada el último día de competición.
En la contra reloj de inicio el más fuerte fue Evenepoel, sacando bastante tiempo al resto de favoritos. Este Giro se puede disfrutar en Eurosport.
*Edito: Evenepoel se retiró del Giro por un supuesto positivo por COVID. La verdad es que sufrió varias caídas en una etapa y quizá esto le haya dejado el cuerpo mal. Lo cierto es que Evenepoel ganó la etapa contrarreloj con poca ventaja, igual ya notaba los golpes de las caídas.
from thelunchbox
The Dignity of a Kiwi
To buzz like a bee Was no desire to me. And to flit like a fly Was just not for I.
I was not so foul To want to be an owl, And I had not the range To be that of a crane.
For I was the kiwi And I cannot soar. I stay put on the ground And wander the floor.
And I have no wish To do that of a fish, Or burrow a hole With the star-nosed mole.
No, I am quite content, In my place on Earth. And for my limitations, I lack no self-worth buzzy poem
from irl weeping angel
fluorescent lights buzz refrigerator hums Static Tv fuzz news kicks on headlines looking bleak bored cashier stares window wipers streak refrigerator whirrs headlights sweep past just a reminder the world is so vast
from irl weeping angel
lapping waves the pale yellow glow of headlights the silence is suffocating air is stagnant the stars are blotted out by the smog of the port streetlight flickers cut through the air soon dawn will come wash away the silence of the night the waves lap still
from BurntRamen
Fill your lungs to bursting, And run for your life. Grasp each breath – with that same Ferocity Your chest burns with.
Let it plume, Like the heart – devouring With rapturous hunger - Caressing your tongue Lacing your words
It is something that ravages Even the marrow It is something that will swallow You whole
And in the end You will find. Not – but ash,
A mural -
A fox.
from killdozer-chimp
#im like batman except both my parents are painfully alive and instead of fighting crime i dont take my meds
i am scared of people who scrapbook please dont take my skin and staple it to your fucky ass binder
my foreskin does not want to be heat pressed and laminated in your book
i dont want trans people in my bathrooms like why are you in my house???
Máxima: 27,9ºC Mínima: 2,3ºC Media: 13,3ºC Lluvia: 23,8 mm. Mes de Abril muy seco y templado tirando a cálido, sensación algunos días de calor en horas diurnas. Precipitación escasa para ser Abril (23,8 mm.). Llevamos una primavera de poca precipitación, lo notaran este verano la fauna y la flora. Una pena grande. En fin, todavía hay gente que dice que esto es un ciclo climatológico y que es todo normal.
from BurntRamen
There's a trail leading back To that glassy stare of mine To that gaze beneath the boot That beating in the brain
The soul will be crushed, in conditions much the same
The sun's quickly dimming It's time to sink or swim Cause I think this fountain pen's, About to do me in.
from Thoughts of Mine
Yeah, so I think it's beyond his abilities to trace this since I changed things, but if not: FUCK OFF, DUDE.
Basically my ex continues to patrol my social media to find excuses to try to contact me about how I am so wrong about things. I'm hoping I've made enough changes that I can keep away from him.
Fingers fucking crossed.
from BurntRamen
This everlasting blaze, Will bury us – in time. We’ll need to tend to his garden, once we’re gone So let me be dirty, just this once. Let me feel the way the wax scarred your back - Place the gun to the altar Say your prayers as you brace your finger, Fire, And let the inhibitions leak. Like all the rest. Lay it bare.
from عرفان
دروغ گفتم
- «پاستای آماده دارید؟» - «نه تموم شده.» با شوخی: «اون روز شما همه رو خریدید و تموم شد دیگه!» - «آره چون ما دانشجوییم و توی خوابگاه زندگی میکنیم بیشتر از این جور غذاهای آماده درست میکنیم!» - «آره میدونم. راستی، در کدوم دانشگاه هستی؟» - «همین دانشگاه که… همین اینجا…» - «دانشگاه فرهنگیان؟» - «آره آره. دانشگاه فرهنگیان» - «رشتهات چیه؟» - «برق. مهندسی برق.» - «مگه دانشگاه فرهنگیان رشتهٔ مهندسی برق داره؟» - «آره. من الان دارم اون رشته رو میخونم.» - «جالبه. خوابگاهتون کجاست؟» - «اینجا… همین طرفهای… توی انصاریه است!» - «خوبه! جای خیلی خوبی بهتون خوابگاه دادهاند.»
این گفتگویی بود که توی فروشگاه بین من و فروشنده ردوبدل شد. بعد از اون باهم آشنا شدیم و چندین بار دربارهٔ جاهای مختلف شهر ازش راهنمایی گرفتم. هنگام گفتگو یهویی و بیاختیار گفتم که دانشجو هستم و گفتگو رو ادامه دادم. ولی من که دانشجو نیستم! یعنی این یک دروغ بود. چی شد که اینطوری پاسخ دادم؟ این برای من یک دروغ ساده نبود. راستش من اصلاً دروغ نمیگم! اون شب که این رو گفتم انگار خودم هم باورم شده بود. من یک سالی میشه که دانشگاهم رو تموم کردهام ولی هنوز دوست دارم به عنوان دانشجو شناخته بشم. راستش خیلی اوقات خودم هم خودم رو دانشجو خطاب میکنم و چنین باور کردهام. دانشگاه فرهنگیان! بعداً توی نقشه نگاه کردم و دیدم که آره. اون نزدیکیها یک دانشگاه فرهنگیان هست! هفتهٔ بعدش هم فهمیدم که انصاریه جای گرونقیمتیه. نفهمیدم اون موقع در فکرم چی گذشت. چیزی که مشخصه اینه که چون خودم باورش کرده بودم، چنان بااطمینان حرف میزدم که طرف بهجای این که فکر کنه من دروغ میگم، به دانستههای خودش شک میکرد. خلاصه که من دیگه دانشجو نیستم ولی دوست دارم با همین اسم شناخته بشم.
from liv
No Content Warnings for this Chapter!
(…i was looking at you)
The light fell softly through the curtains onto a young woman’s face, illuminating the small room where her bed sat. The unfitted sheet had crept off the corners of the mattress and now sat messily, held in place by the weight of her body. Bunched up in a ball at her feet lay her blanket, which had been clutched tight during the mild night chill and thoughtlessly cast off as the early heat warmed the room. Slowly, like a cat looking at something it loves, Angela’s eyes blinked open, transfixed on the calendar on her wall. For a second, she prepared to sink deep back into slumber with the knowledge that it remained the weekend. Then, with a start, she remembered which particular Saturday it was, and with great effort, drew herself out of bed. For weeks, Angela had been repeating to herself that June 17th, 2090, was moving day. Her mother had insisted she use a didzifono to keep track, but she stubbornly refused. Since her twenty first birthday, nearly a month ago, Angela had sworn off her phone completely, and shockingly, she had managed to stick to it. Her father was proud of her for it, though she suspected he would be less proud if he knew why. Pulling on jeans and a vintage t-shirt with the words “People Over Profit” printed on the front in a bold hippie font, she grabbed her yellow backpack and bid her succulents farewell. She made her way downstairs to find her parents waiting for her in the kitchen. “Good morning!” Her father smiled at her with tears on the edges of his eyes. “O, Woban,” her mother said, barely looking up from her phone. “Oh, hey,” Angela cringed a little at both reactions, “Uh, you make coffee yet?” “Oh yeah, no, not yet,” stuttered her father. Angela grabbed a bag of Wakalapi coffee grounds, and set up the coffee maker. She poured half a cup of coffee, then filled it the remainder of the way with cream and sugar. “Jesus, how do you drink it like that?” her mother rolled her eyes at her. “Holy shit, Amy, you said that in English!” Angela retorted, eyes wide in sarcastic surprise. Introducing Amaks, or American Auxiliary, to the Abbott-Ashton household had become her mother’s pet project as of late. The Former United States Reconstruction Accord had begun the creation of a shared North American language back in 2081, as part of its thirteenth triannual plan. Amy, a professor of linguistics, had jumped at the opportunity to help create it. The language had turned out to mostly use Spanish grammar rules, English phonology, and drew vocabulary from a variety of indigenous and world languages. The idea of an Auxiliary Language drew plenty of critics. Many didn’t see the point, with English already being the lingua franca in most of the Former US anyway. Others feared it could be used for authoritarian purposes, comparing it to Orwellian Newspeak. These comparisons did not fail to recognize the fact that after three years of development, the official year for the implementation of Amaks was 2084. Others still, feared that it would kill the natural languages of the continent. The committee actually addressed that one, and Amy and her team made sure that the implementation of the language would not endanger any others. That didn’t change the fact that most people just didn’t particularly want to learn a new language. “Hey, limit the expletives,” Angela’s mother replied. “And don’t call her Amy! That’s your Mother,” her father chimed in. “Okay, okay, I don’t wanna fight! Not today at least,” Angela sighed. At that, her father broke into tears.
The Emerald Line was a high-speed rail track running from Boston to Montreal, and it passed straight through Montpelier. As the family of three shuffled their way into Sanders Station, the Vermont air was warm, but crisp and breathable. It was smaller than many train stations Angela had seen, and somehow weirder. The style seemed to intentionally mirror of a major 1800s train station, which in turn aimed to recreate a classical style. This mimicry of a mimicry, coupled with hyper-modern information screens and train design would have made for an alien scene if Angela wasn’t already familiar with it. At 11:00 on the dot, the Southbound train swept into the station and came to a silent halt. Angela turned, and her father swept her into a hug that lifted her off the ground. She was taller than him, so she had to bend her knees, but feeling his arms holding her up made the memories of the safety of childhood come rushing into her mind. Her mother gave her a small smile, and a much lighter hug. “Do great things, Angela.” “I will,” Angela grinned. “Are you sure you have everything you need?” her father asked, “I can’t believe you aren’t bringing any luggage.” “Well, like, I have my phone and toothbrush in my bag, and all the essentials. I don’t really need much stuff, and I’m sure Taylor will have anything I need at his place.” Angela turned to go, then turned back and blew her parents a kiss, before making her way onto the train. She wasn’t sure what came over her, but as soon as she took a seat, she unzipped her backpack and pulled out her phone. She opened it to hundreds of notifications, all neatly organized and ordered by urgency by the phone’s AI. Bird’s voicemail, sent the day after her birthday, was front and center. Angela wanted to vomit. In an attempt to procrastinate listening to it as long as possible, she opened the camera, and made checked her appearance. Angela knew she was pretty. She loved her deep auburn eyes, and she liked the way her black hair fell in a pony tail. She had grown to appreciate how you could see her quarter-Asian heritage in her features. She wore no makeup today, because though she often did, on important days she made it a point to avoid it. This was a habit she had picked up from her mother, but she never really understood why she did it. Angela set her phone down and sighed before picking it back up. She still had a 40 minute train ride ahead of her, and she knew she couldn’t put it off any longer.
Authors Note Hey there! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of “When The Sun Came Up.” My name’s Liv, and I’m not a writer at all, but I’ve been meaning to start. This is going to be pretty much unedited, somewhat low effort writing.
This story is heavily inspired by Solarpunk aesthetics, and my personal fantasy of what a better future might look like, so it’s definitely just gonna be a bit of escapism for me.
Chapters will be posted very inconsistently and maybe sparsely, and if no one expresses interest in this, I may just give up on it (this is not to guilt anyone into being interested, but if I lose interest and no one else gets value out of it I won’t feel bad quitting)
Most of this story will likely focus on Angela, but there will certainly be other POVs both outside and inside of Boston just to get a wider feel for the world.
In the future, there MAY be some sexually explicit chapters (though there will be none involving Angela) They will not be important to the plot so feel free to skip them if you don’t want to read porn.
If you have any feedback, questions, or comments on this work, feel free to text me (I’m pretty sure everyone on this site has my number) or post a blog response? I’d really love to hear your thoughts, and I’d honestly take any excuse to talk a bit about this world.
Máxima: 24,6ºC Mínima: -2,9ºC Media: 11,1ºC Lluvia: 4,7 mm. Mes de Marzo muy seco y templado tirando a cálido, la temperatura media mensual es la más alta de la serie(11,1ºC) y la precipitación de las mas bajas de la serie (4,7 mm.). La primavera en estos últimos años es una especie de veranillo seco. Así están las cosas.